Salty Saints

Dear friends,

Have you ever seen the powerful play Godspell?  It’s chock full of spirited singing and dancing.  It portrays Jesus’ life here on earth, including His time and teachings with His disciples, His horrific trek to His death followed by His glorious resurrection.  So this morning when I was reading from Matthew chapter 5, when I came to verse number 18 my toe started tapping, remembering the Godspell song “You Are the Light of the World.”  The second verse says,

You are the salt of the earth.

You are the salt of the earth.

But if that salt has lost its flavor it ain’t got much in its favor.

You can’t have that fault and be the salt of the earth.

(Now mind you, those are the lyrics.  I’m takin’ good care not to say ain’t.  My dear Mama just wouldn’t approve.)

When I think of the many brothers and sisters who need encouragement in their temple maintenance, I see a Christian’s call to saltiness.  Now as you know, salt enhances flavor.  It turns a bland pot o’ stew into a savory sensation.  Salt.  Regular, unexciting , run-of-the-mill salt.  It’s a foundational recipe ingredient.  And we are called to be salt - flavor enhancers - to make this ol’ world more palatable.  More savory.  More pleasant to the taste.  But if we’ve lost our saltiness our lives and others’ will be bland and boring and possibly even harmful and hurtful. 

So those Godspell actors sing out with verve: 

“So let your light so shine before men.  Let your light so shine.  So that they night know some kindness again.  We all need help to feel fin.  (Let’s have some wine!)”

Oh brothers and sisters, these are profound truths.  As Jesus-followers we are called to enhance this world around us.  To add flavor to other’s lives.  Consider some of the synonyms for enhance:  add to, amplify, beautify, built up, elevate, raise, and strengthen

So next time you find yourself bein’ blue about your body, ask yourself, “Am I enhancing the flavor of my life and others by eating this food?“  For example, when you bake your friend a big ol’ chocolate cake for her special celebration, KNOWING she struggles with her weight and her body image, are you a Sister Salt Shaker, building her up, elevating, raising and strengthening her?  Or has salt lost its flavor when we cave to old tired traditions?  And next time you hear yourself saying, “I’m just too tired to go for my walk this evening.”  Is that a salty road?  Does that mindset enhance the flavor of your life?  Does that modeling for your family and friends build them up?

The exhilarating Godspell entertainers sing on:

“You are the City of God.

You are the City of God.

But if that City’s on a hill it’s kinda hard to hide it well.

You’ve got to stay pretty in the City of God.”

Now my lands, they’re not talking pretty like make-up and a nice hairdo.  They mean a pretty, positive, faithful, joyful heart.  Brothers and sisters, we are called to reveal the image of God to the world.  He wants us to present a Spirit-filled, victorious life to all around us.  He calls us, as the Body of Christ, to shine brightly for all to see so the lost will want to know Jesus as their own Lord and Savior.  Are the decisions you’re making day after day shedding light to this lost world?  Are you offering encouragement and building others up like Brother Paul mentioned in I Thessalonians 5?  Now remember your journey of peace about food and physical well-being isn’t just in your own interests, but it also benefits others because it makes you a Salty Saint!  People see your light shining - see that big ol’ smile on your face of peace and physical restoration and they get a glimpse of the power of the Almighty!  Don’t be hiding behind closed doors, eating all that nasty food you’ve got hidden in your pantry.  Set your mind on being salt and light for other struggling saints.  Shine the light of the Lord’s promise that when we are weak then He is strong!  Then when they say “Oh Sister Sue, you are such an encouragement to me because I truly feel overwhelmed by Satan’s sugar snare.”  Then you just bow your head and pray “Jesus, You are my salt.  You are my Light.  Give me the courage, strength, conviction and boldness to rebuke the Evil One and be a light for the Body of Christ.  Use me to bless others Lord, in this, my thorn of the flesh.”

Now go on.  Let your light shine Salty Saints!

Live Well,




P.S.  Here are the lyrics and the link to that great Godspell song I mentioned above.


 You are the light of the world!
You are the light of the world!
But if that light is under a bushel,
It's lost something kind of crucial
You've got to stay bright to be the light of the world

You are the salt of the earth
You are the salt of the earth
But if that salt has lost it's flavor
It ain't got much in its favor
You can't have that fault and be the salt of the earth!

So let your light so shine before men
Let your light so shine
So that they might know some kindness again
We all need help to feel fine (let's have some wine!)

You are the city of God
You are the city of God
But if that city's on a hill
It's kinda hard to hide it well
You've got to stay pretty in the city of God

So let your light so shine before men
Let your light so shine
So that they might know some kindness again
We all need help to feel fine (let's have some wine!)

You are the light of the world
You are the light of the world
But the tallest candlestick
Ain't much good without a wick
You've got to live right to be the light of the world