Gospel by Baloo

Dear friends,

If you knew there was a pill that provided an instant pick-me-up, sure to cure the blahs and the blues, would you rigorously seek a prescription? Well I have one! It’s called a pill of praise! Sing out your love of Jesus like you mean it! Here is one of my go-to favorites, King Jesus Is All, sung by the sweet Kids’ Praise Company: https://youtu.be/eBTXsYQh2BE Notice I have included the lyrics at the bottom of this letter so you can memorize the words and teach all your friends.

Now don’t you agree that kids’ camp songs enliven the spirit? Add some choreography and it’s big fun indeed. But below the bluesy beat, this spiritual song packs some profound truth. Let’s dissect:

“King Jesus is all…”

KING Jesus. Now we Americans are unfamiliar and not rightly comfortable with royal rulin’. Kings dictate. Demand. Wield authority of which we’re wary. But is Jesus your personal Lord and King? Do you submit to His supremacy in all things? Do you honor Him as your divine ruler? Do you bow in awe in His presence? Would you ever question the commands of a human king, shaking your finger, accusing him of unreasonable or outdated demands? (well… maybe you would ...) But do you sometimes find yourself questioning the King of Kings? You may just want to confess your willfulness in your journal.

“My all in all…”

More to me than anything else. The beginning and end of my thoughts each and every day. The One to whom I defer, rely, honor and praise. Is that how you commune with King Jesus? Or is it more like, “Lord, I have a need I’d like to discuss with you…”

“I know He’ll answer me when I call…”

Do you know? Do you trust, praying without ceasing, even when answers seem slow in coming? Are you ever grateful for His open arms and abundant provision? Do you call on Him in contrite supplication, casting all your cares on Him?

“Walkin’ by my side, I’m satisfied…”

Do you see Him walking with you, shoulder to shoulder? Do you converse with Him while you go through your days? Do you defer to Him for direction, attentively listen for His wise words, or are you doing all the chattering yourself? Are your days filled with contentment and praise and satisfaction, knowing you are the adopted child of the Almighty God, chosen by Him?

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him,” is a favorite saying of Pastor John Piper. (If you haven’t listened to Pastor Piper’s sermons you’re surely missin’ out. They’re posted on http://www.desiringgod.com.)

Does the message of this simple song describe your heart, and faith in your Father?

In times of trouble, confusion or temptation, do you:

Seek the Lord,

Fall to your knees,

Pray desperately, diligently, and dependently?

If so His Holy Spirit has undoubtedly met you, uplifted you and changed you forever.

Oh sisters, may we never, ever, ever forget the saving, transforming grace of Jesus Christ our King. We are broken, desperate, sinners who have been redeemed, not by our own efforts but solely - exclusively - by the grace of God. Not that we loved Him, but because He first loved us and sent His son to die on Calvary’s tree that we might have life abundantly.

Sing it, church!! King Jesus is LORD! My all in all! I know He’ll answer me when I call - when I cast all my cares on Him, because He cares for me!

So next time you feel down and defeated by your weakness and tired out temple, sing out to King Jesus! When you are tempted to make a choice that will surely lead to future disappointment and despair, Sing Out!

King Jesus is All!

My all and all!

I know He’ll answer me when I call!

And church, we are called to uplift and empower one another by the words of the Lord, so I challenge you to memorize this powerful praise song with your friends, so when you are anxious and on the edge of temptation - right on the cusp of eating something that sabotages, or making a fleshly excuse for skipping your temple maintenance - call your pal and start singing. Since you’ve been practicing together, she’ll boldly sing right back at you!

King Jesus is all! King Jesus is all!

My all in all! My all in all!

I know He’ll answer, I know He’ll answer,

Me when I call. Me when I call….

Praise You, King Jesus, that You are merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Claim Him as your All and All, more and more, day by day.

Live Well,

