Set Your G.P.S.

To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6

Dear friends,

Do unexpected inconveniences derail you? My lans, I’ll be raising my hands in praise one minute, singing Glory Halleluiah, sharin’ the love of Jesus with anyone who will listen, then my oven quits working and I plunge into the pit of despair. How is that possible? How do we slip from Spirit to flesh so easily and quickly? Because our mind draws us down the drink of doubt. My thoughts took a 180 degree turn from “My God will supply all my needs,” to I can’t afford a new oven so I’ll have to build a firepit in my back yard to feed myself. O saints, your brain is a powerful GPS, and can change the course of your days in an instant. But Brother Paul provides insight on how to avoid deadly detours: Keep your mind on the things of the Spirit, for the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) We all seek peace, don’t we? Then we must force our thoughts into subjection. The NIV translation says, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Now that’s intriguing. Let’s do some word substitution to hammer the concept into our fickle brains. The mind ruled by the flesh is death. Controlled by the flesh. The mind guided/directed by the flesh. The mind led by the flesh. I confess my mind’s unholy governing by the flesh. My slim-pickin’s pea brain, developed through my childhood years during the Depression, makes me fearful of financial insufficiency, so an unexpected expense triggers my internal angst. Instead of claiming and clinging to God’s promise of care, my spirit dies from carnal lies.

What about you? Do you default to bon bons when you have the blues? Do you attempt to satisfy your hungry heart with chocolate? Emotional eating is the perfect example of allowing the flesh to lead your life. It’s time to mutiny, church! 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. Now let me ask you a question. When you’re tempted by some sweet treat, do you often have an internal argument that goes something like this? “Oh that looks sooooo good! But I shouldn’t… Miss Madelyn makes the best Dutch Apple pie… But even a small piece would be frivolous calories... But I’ve been good this week... Well mostly... No, I think I’ll decline…” Then next thing you know you’ve downed that Dutch apple decadence so fast you barely remember you did it.

It’s time to reclaim the leadership of our lives, church. Is not our God bigger than finite finances and sugar seduction? We must destroy the strongholds that dampen our days by professing His promises. Remember ALL things work together for good (including a cold oven.) He who has called you is faithful; He will surely do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24) Do you believe that?

One of my favorite verses, best stated in my opinion in the King James version, is Jeremiah 31:18: Turn Thou me that I might be turned, for Thou art the LORD my God. Profound truth in so few words. Only through Him can we turn from our earthly thoughts. The power of God’s Spirit rescues our brains from fleshly captivity. Because of our rebellious nature, it is impossible to stay focused on spiritual things on our own accord. Only by relying on the Holy Ghost can we set our minds on the things of the Spirit. Turn Thou me, Lord, from my anxious thoughts. Turn Thou me, Father, toward Your character and Your promises. Turn my mind, Lord, from fear to faith. Return my heart to praise and thanksgiving. Jesus, set my heart’s GPS on Your Spirit that I might experience life and peace.

Live Well,
